Elementor vs. Beaver Builder: A Comprehensive Review


Hey there, WordPress enthusiasts! Today, we’re diving deep into the universe of page builders. Specifically, we’re looking at two of the biggest players in the game: Elementor and Beaver Builder. Stuck on which one to pick? Buckle up for an in-depth comparison.

The Rise of Page Builders in WordPress

What Are Page Builders?

Picture this: you’re a painter, but instead of brushes and canvas, you’ve got a mouse and screen. Page builders let you create masterpieces without needing to write code.

Why Use a Page Builder?

Why learn the piano when you can play a keyboard? For the average Joe, coding isn’t a piece of cake. Page builders offer an easier path to a stellar website.

About Elementor

Key Features

Elementor boasts drag-and-drop functionalities, over 300 designer-made templates, and mobile editing. Think of it as your digital Swiss Army knife.


Starting at $49/year, it offers value that can make your wallet smile.

About Beaver Builder

Key Features

Beaver Builder, on the other hand, offers real-time editing, reusable templates, and WooCommerce support. It’s like a reliable pickup truck: not flashy, but it gets the job done.


Pricing begins at $99/year, making it a bit pricier but well worth it for certain use-cases.

User Interface

Elementor UI

Imagine a cockpit full of buttons, dials, and levers. Elementor’s UI can feel a bit overwhelming but offers a ton of controls.

Beaver Builder UI

Beaver Builder offers a more minimalist approach. It’s like a modern, clean kitchen where everything is tucked away but easily accessible.

Customization Options

Elementor Customizations

Elementor provides granular control over each element. Want a 2.5-second hover animation? You got it!

Beaver Builder Customizations

Beaver Builder offers fewer bells and whistles but maintains a strong focus on simplicity and functionality.


Speed and Load Time

Elementor may offer more features, but this can sometimes slow down your site. Beaver Builder, however, is built for speed.


Both offer responsive design options, but Elementor allows for more precise mobile customization.

E-commerce Features

Elementor for E-commerce

Elementor works well with WooCommerce, offering specialized widgets and templates.

Beaver Builder for E-commerce

Beaver Builder offers fewer e-commerce features but still plays nicely with WooCommerce.

Community and Support

Elementor Community

With over 5 million active installations, Elementor has a vibrant community and extensive documentation.

Beaver Builder Community

Beaver Builder has a smaller, yet strong community with solid customer support.

Learning Curve


More features mean a steeper learning curve.

Beaver Builder

Beaver Builder is easy to get into, especially if you’re a WordPress beginner.

SEO Capabilities

Elementor SEO

Elementor offers a variety of SEO plugins to help your site rank better.

Beaver Builder SEO

Beaver Builder doesn’t offer built-in SEO features but is coded well for SEO compatibility.

Pros and Cons

Elementor Pros and Cons

  • Pros: Rich features, affordable pricing.
  • Cons: Can be slow, steep learning curve.

Beaver Builder Pros and Cons

  • Pros: Fast, easy-to-use.
  • Cons: Less feature-rich, slightly more expensive.

Real-World Applications

Both builders have been used to create everything from e-commerce sites to portfolios. They’re the real deal, no question about it.


So, who wins the Elementor vs. Beaver Builder showdown? Honestly, it depends on your needs. Elementor is the Swiss Army knife of page builders, packed with features. Beaver Builder is the reliable old truck, strong on fundamentals but less flashy.

5 Unique FAQs

  1. Is Elementor better for beginners?
    • It has more features but also a steeper learning curve.
  2. Does Beaver Builder offer a free version?
    • Yes, but it’s limited in features.
  3. Can I switch from Elementor to Beaver Builder?
    • Yes, but it may require some manual adjustments.
  4. How do both builders handle updates?
    • Both offer regular updates, but Elementor’s updates can sometimes break older elements.
  5. Which builder is more SEO-friendly?
    • Both are SEO-compatible, but Elementor offers more SEO-specific plugins.

The Best Tips to Choose a Website Development Company Toronto

Website Development Toronto

More people from across the world are using the internet to find information, make purchases, and create custom marketing strategies. If your business does not have a website, you are missing out on the immense opportunities that come with a strong and professional online presence.

Websites can help businesses expand from local to international markets. It can drive traffic and it can help you learn more about your customers. Through online research and advertising, you can identify your customer demographic and tailor your future marketing campaigns to appeal to specific groups. Professional websites also help to attract new customers and retain them which is the basis for a successful brand. To hire the right web development company Toronto businesses are advised on the following steps.

  1. Experienced Developers

The website developer you hire should be experienced. If you are interested in an E Commerce website or a blog, the professional you choose must have the knowledge to create that particular website and across trusted platforms or domains. A knowledgeable service will also advise on features and the latest technologies to incorporate. This ensures that the site is relevant and appeases the needs of customers.

  1. Custom Web Design

If you have little knowledge or experience in developing websites, then hiring a professional is the best option. Experts in the industry know how to develop impressive websites that best represent your brand. Custom features range from the content on the site to the layout and the domain name. Experts in design can advise on the latest trends and ways to maintain online relevance. Web developers can also advise on the costs in designing your website by issuing a quotation.

  1. Knowledgeable in SEO

One of the most important factors in creating a successful website is its search engine optimization (SEO). SEO is an important process that helps get your website in the top pages of the search engines. When customers or online users are searching for information related to your website, you want them to find your pages and to click your links. The only way they can find you is with optimization. Fortunately, a trusted web developer will be experienced in SEO and incorporate it into the new site.

  1. Professional Collaboration

When you hire the services of a website development company, your designers and developers will work with you to produce a professional site. This includes connecting to multiple platforms and incorporating competitive strategies. It is important to share your ideas with a team of web developers who can assist in developing a custom brand and platform.

  1. Research is Key

With the assistance provided by experienced and certified professionals, you can a functional, professional, and appealing website. When you need to choose a website development company Toronto businesses can rely on research into the experience, professionalism, and the quality of work provided. Taking these steps can help you find a company you are comfortable with and most importantly, that you can trust with your brand.

WordPress Web Development Trends in 2021

WordPress Development Los Angeles

WordPress is one of the most popular CMS to develop blog style platforms; however, with its incorporation of modern features and functionalities, it can be used to produce a variety of high performance sites that are modern and competitive. Owing to the changes that have contributed to the favorability of this domain, users can expect to see a multitude of rewarding trends for 2021 and beyond.

What are the Trends for WordPress Set to Transform the Average Website?

Web developers are excited to learn of the various features that can be incorporated into the latest WordPress sites. From standard themes to custom functions, with the trends in WordPress web development Los Angeles businesses can take advantage of unique and powerful strategies to optimize their websites.

Attract Markets with Video Backgrounds

One of the fastest growing trends is adding a video background to the homepage of a website. Remember, your visitors will best respond to visual platforms and advertisements. This means including unique content and features to appeal to their needs and attract their attention. A video background is certainly a different way to deliver a message. It is quick, it is convenient, and it is sure to create a positive impression when designed and executed correctly.

If you aren’t one for video content, consider high quality graphics. Graphics will remain an important part of website marketing and optimization across domains including WordPress. Investing in a platform that delivers attention to detail can help you create the right impression.

Customer-Centric Websites

Today’s most successful websites are customer focused and engaging. It offers simplified text, and lots of images with checklists or infographics. Fortunately, WordPress offers a multitude of contemporary features and functions that help engage the customer or the visitor when clicking on your link.

WordPress has also made the layout, responsiveness, and the navigation of websites faster and simpler. It’s all about providing the information that visitors need to make a decision while grabbing their attention and ensuring they feel as though you are directly communicating with them. Find a need or a problem and use modern technology to answer the pressing questions that customers may have.

Ongoing Support and Artificial Intelligence

WordPress offered basic features for many years but today with the inclusion of artificial intelligence, chat-bots and round the clock support services are available. Along with the cost of your domain, you could make the site highly interactive by helping people find what they need through a chat-bot service.

What WordPress Developers Should Know

For effective WordPress development Los Angles professionals are encouraged to incorporate the latest online trends and strategies. The purpose is to stay relevant while engaging visitors and selling your brand. With a fair amount of time taken to research the necessary features, you can find everything from making your own video content to artificial intelligence. With a design plan and professional execution, your businesses can take to represent the latest trends in a functional, affordable, and a truly valuable website.

The Benefits of a WordPress Web Development Company Toronto

Wordpress web development company Toronto

WordPress is a popular hosting platform and is great for beginners to intermediate websites. Although a trusted domain, it can also be difficult to setup and publish without professional experience and knowledge. From plugins to the overall design, experts in developing WordPress websites will help you achieve a functional, practical, and a high performing site.

Why Choose WordPress for Website Creation?

WordPress is an open source platform that has shifted from a traditional blogging site to a versatile and scalable platform for all websites. It helps online users develop their very own websites with its custom features from the layout to its search engine optimization.

While creating a website is an exciting and rewarding venture, many of the features included with WordPress can be a little complicated for new and even seasoned users to understand. By relying on a WordPress web development company Toronto communities can take advantage of the ease, efficiency, and fine attention to detail that experts provide when creating a fully custom domain and site.

How a Professional Web Developer Can Help You

One of the best reasons to call on expert developers is to make your site SEO friendly. Because there are so many complicated features and measures that must be integrated into the new website, a development company will ensure that all functions are set to be detected in the major search engines. This is an important step in your SEO campaign and making the site more visible to relevant users.

Mobile Compatible Sites

With more people looking for information online using their mobile phones, it is imperative that your website be mobile responsive. In WordPress, you will have to configure the site for desktop and mobile viewing. This can become tricky without the right approach. It is better to have a dedicated professional on your side who can help with setting the website and optimizing it at the same time.

Unmatched Expertise

Experienced and knowledgeable professionals bring a high level of expertise to the fore. They know how to identify inaccuracies and the best ways of optimizing a site. With their professional approach, you can also learn which designs and scalable features should be included to develop and adapt as your business and website grows.

Website development services can deliver the best value when you need to create a responsive platform. This includes fully custom solutions to produce reliable, modern, and impressive platforms.