Differences between Web Design and Website Development

Website development Toronto

When you hear about web development you may think that it’s the same as web design but there is a difference. Because web designers and developers utilize different strategies, skills, and knowledge, it is important to understand which of these services you need to produce a high performing and results-driven site. Let’s learn more about the differences between web design and website development Toronto professionals can provide.

What is a Website Design Service?

Web designers will focus on the visual aspects of a site. This includes the overall appearance, the layout of content, the media, and the esthetics of design. They bring in the colors, the logos, and the overall layout to represent your business, your goals, and your brand interests.

What is a Web Developer?

Web developers focus more on the technical and functional aspects of a site than the esthetics of it. While they advise on the ways of creating a more appealing site, their primary focus is on the performance of it and ensuring that the appropriate technicalities are satisfied. They do more of the “behind the scenes” work they you don’t see on the surface of a website but that make a significant difference to the overall function and performance of the platform.

Web development services include programming, the use of HTML codes and Javascript to name a few. If you aren’t familiar with these terms or processes, it becomes challenging if not impossible to ensure that your website is performing the way it should. From fast load times to mobile compatibility, there is much more to a site than what is on the surface alone. This is where a professional web development company comes in. So, if you notice that your site is not responsive, it’s too slow, or certain pages appear to down, it is best to call on experienced web developers for the best results.

What to Expect From Programmers?

Web developers also known as programmers, are able to break a website down into its digital components. They manage the technical factors and features that make a website what it is. Their role is to develop each page according to its purpose and that means a page needs to load quickly, it needs to represent products and services and aspects such as transacting or making an online purchase need to be working correctly. Not only can this save time in the long run, but it is also a necessary part of retaining customers by providing them with the ultimate user experience.

For some businesses and individuals who have a static website that is not live or interactive, web developers will take over and implement the digital technologies to make it a high performance site. They will apply custom programming methods to build a website from scratch and ensure that it operates the way it should. They can also setup pages making it simpler for clients to manage or maintain their own websites.

Why Hire Professional Web Services?

Professionals are knowledgeable and experienced in creating functional websites. They are aware of the technical features and functions needed to advance the platform and ensure that it operates the way it should. Whether you are thinking about a new website or you need assistance with your current web pages, you can call on expert website development Toronto can provide. As you can see design and development services are quite different each requiring a different type of specialization. If you are unsure of the type of digital service that you need, it is best to speak to professionals who can advise on the right approach. It provides confidence and peace of mind that the correct measures and services are delivered for your website.

Why Do You Need an SEO Agency Los Angeles?

SEO Agency Los Angeles

If you want a competitive website that will help your business increase sales and growth, then you need search engine optimization. Because SEO is a monumental task that requires technical knowledge and time, it is best managed by the professionals!

In this guide, we look at optimization and why you should call an SEO agency Los Angeles businesses and website owners can depend on.

Why You Need SEO

Today, all websites are ranked according to SEO and when all ranking and marketing measures are in place, we refer to a website as optimized. When you publish a site but fail to incorporate optimization strategies, it means that you provide your competitors who are doing SEO more opportunity to attract customers, drive traffic, and improve their bottom line. You could even be creating leads for them unintentionally!

You need SEO because it is one of the only organic ways of generating traffic. Alternative strategies such as PPC is a paid advertising strategy that can go a long way to helping you drive traffic and improving your online visibility in the search engines. If you want to be competitive and grow your brand, then it is a good idea to invest in optimization services.

Hiring an SEO Agency

Methods involving online marketing, developing site architecture and off-site link building and technical factors all play a part in an SEO campaign. As you can tell, optimization consists of many different techniques and factors which is the reason it should be managed by a professional and experienced optimization business.

For companies, don’t try to juggle your business with SEO campaigns and marketing. Because it takes so much time and technical expertise, it best to entrust your marketing to a professional Toronto SEO agency.

With the experience and the assistance of professionals will focus on both on-site and off-site advertising for optimization. On-page strategies focus on developing the website and its various technical aspects to ensure it meets the standards for optimization. Off-site methods involve all other advertising and technicalities used to improve website rankings. There are many techniques needed to compete and to be recognized as an authority in your niche. From your content to your digital marketing measures, you need online users to trust what you have to offer. Only then can they get to know the brand your story, and why its worth clicking your links to get the information they need.

Professionals will assess every aspect of the website, the brand, your intended audience, and any strategies you have already applied to create a fully customized advertising campaign. Rather than generic methods to help build your website, custom techniques are a must and should be created by your SEO agents.

With the services of an SEO agency Los Angeles clients can expect their websites grow and rank at a phenomenal level. The greater the expertise and experience in the field, the better it is for your website. With so many options and the power of optimization, now is the time, more than ever, to get your optimization professionals on board and to take your website and brand to new heights.

What Can I Expect From SEO Toronto?

SEO Toronto

Are you thinking about SEO for your website? Search engine optimization is an online marketing strategy that aims to get your site to rank in the search engine results pages or SERPs. Because it is not a straightforward process and requires ongoing marketing methods to rank the site, it is not a strategy that you can apply yourself if you lack the necessary knowledge, skill, and experience.

To help you understand how SEO Toronto works and what to expect from this international advertising strategy, we start by looking at the purpose of optimization.

The Role of Optimization in Ranking Websites

The purpose of optimization is to increase how visible you are in the search engines and where you will rank in the SERPs.

There are different strategies you use to market your website online but most importantly, there are techniques that have to be applied to the site itself and off-page to rank it and make the brand visible.

If you create a website and publish it in the hopes of gaining customer traction and boosting sales, you’re going to be extremely disappointed. Today, for any website to get ranked and get noticed by interested visitors or markets, it needs to be optimized. This means that changes to the site itself and of the website (posting blogs, content, social media, link building) are required for competitive web pages.

How Does SEO Work?

Optimization works by sending automated “spiders” or bots to crawl the internet. These spiders look for specific factors (more than 200 to be exact) to determine whether websites are meeting the requirements for ranking.

It might seem simple enough but the strategies you need to apply to get the website to rank in the major search engines all depend on the algorithms. When you know how SEO works and you understand the technical aspects of such marketing methods, then approaches from the design of the website itself to building internal and external links and much more.

When to Call on an SEO Professional

Because of the technicalities and the amount of work involved in optimizing websites, speaking to an optimization expert can help you work on improving your brand’s online visibility. A dedicated and expert service will start by auditing your website with the purpose of determining where the site is falling short and whether your current optimization plan is hurting more than helping to rank the website.

Remember that optimization is not an overnight process. It takes time to see results and when the algorithms change, your marketing strategy has to change to meet these requirements. It is by no means an easy task but when done right, the rewards can be tremendous. You can build new customers, increase your conversions, and receive the growth in brand recognition that you desire.

With expert SEO Toronto businesses and website owners are provided the resources and customized strategies to increase the rank of websites. By developing a custom plan, your website will be improved, and steps will be taken to appease the algorithms and get you working your way up the ranking ladder.

SEO Gorillas Starts February with a Perfect 5-Star Rating Review in Clutch

Growing your business online is a very tall task to do on your own. There are plenty of things to learn and tools to master. The biggest thing that you might stumble upon is the fact that you are going to having rivals and adversaries online. Out marketing and outwitting them is another mountain to climb.

Thankfully, there is a silver lining in all of these. The good news is that you can hire someone to help with your digital marketing efforts. That is correct, there are agencies that specialize in bringing effective and result-driven digital marketing that can help your business prosper in your industry.

Our company, SEO Gorillas, is dedicated to delivering the best digital marketing services in the industry! Founded in 2011, we are a group of like-minded professionals who have one goal in mind, and it is to help our clients reach their goals and maximize their potential using search engine optimization services and solutions.

Just recently, we were able to record our 6th review on Clutch’s platform. For those who don’t know Clutch, they are a ratings and reviews platform that connects service providers, like our company, to potential clients and buyers.

Going back to our latest review, we partnered with a commercial planning company to bring SEO and web dev services to their websites. We were also tasked to create a logo for them. As a matter of fact, we have been working with this company for 4 years now. We have been handling their SEO, and the most recent project we had with them was a new website, its content, and logo.

When asked about our project management, the President of RM Industries Jerry Paulin has this to say:

We communicate via email and text message. They’re easy to talk to and have a fast response time.

Clutch review

Additionally, this review from our client was able to garner a perfect score of 5-star ratings! The quality, scheduling, cost, and their willingness to refer us were all spot on. We are very proud and thankful for this amazing review and rating. You can check out the whole thing on our Clutch profile.

Furthermore, if you have doubts about our company’s services and ability to deliver, you can go check us out at The Manifest. They are a website that provides amazing lists of companies that are leading their respective industries. The site increases legitimacy to these service providers by providing awards and notable projects on their profile.

Do you want to experience the top SEO service in the market? SEO Gorillas is here to help. Our team provides aggressive services that can help your business achieve the results that you want. Get a quote from us today!

The Benefits of Professional Website Maintenance Services

WordPress website maintenance services Toronto

A website can work for you or it can end up costing your business in maintenance with little to no returns. The best way to manage your website is with the assistance of expert website maintenance services.

Let’s look at the benefits of entrusting your website maintenance to the professionals.

Enhance Your Brand

When a website is not maintained, pages may not load correctly, content becomes outdated, and your site slowly starts to drop down the ranks. With the right web maintenance, your brand is placed in a good light with updated pages that are easy to navigate, fast to load, and contemporary in design.

If you are aware of the impact that little to no maintenance has on a website, you can do something about it before it taints your brand. Rather than appear like business that is unsure of its direction, it’s products and services, appear as a brand authority with a professional, functional site.

Regular web maintenance will protect the confidentiality of your customers, keep the site relevant, and keep the brand on point.

Stay Ahead of Changing Technology

Online technology from search engines and plugins to and mobile compatibility are constantly changing. Websites that are not managed will not be compatible with these updates. This makes a site unstable, unable to function correctly, and leaves visitors vulnerable to security threats.

With expert website maintenance services various aspects from security to device compatibility are carefully monitored and changed applied where necessary.

Maximize Business Sales

Poorly maintained websites will go down. This means that it will crash, go offline, and customers will be unable to access information. This creates a poor impression but also affects revenue.

If customers cannot rely on your website to find the information they need or make the purchases they want, they will move on to the competitor. When you invest in professional online management strategies, websites and social media continue to function the way it should. Customers can feel confident they can refer your business their networks which not only increases your customer base, but also improves your brand.

Confidence Your Business is in the Right Hands

Finding the time to maintain your website can be tricky. You have a business to run after all! Fortunately, you can call on a website maintenance company to help. An expert service is experienced in keeping websites running more efficiently, more powerfully, and gets more people interested in your brand and services.

Rather than try to manage the site yourself if you lack the knowledge to do so, entrusting the website to an expert means every aspect of its operation, security, and updates will be taken care of.

When to Call on a Website Maintenance Company

Professional website managers implement round the clock services, so your site is always functional and working for your business.

Experts can quickly identify a problem and resolve it before it threatens the integrity of the website. Continue to grow your online presence by contacting professional WordPress website maintenance services Toronto.

As companies continue to shift to the online realm and become increasingly competitive, it is important that your business invest in professional online maintenance. Keep websites relevant, secure, and fully operational when you choose the right web management team!

SEO Strategies to Use for 2016

Develop an influencer who’s an expert in subject matter

An influencer is somebody who others listen to on the Internet. As it’ll come to SEO, having an influencer inside your corner is going to mean more individuals link to your site, share your posts, as well as trust your content. If you can, have an influencer that’s a subject-matter expert head the content creation up on your site. The individual might be you, somebody from your firm or somebody you’re able to align with.

Create a strategy for content marketing

All sites ought to have a content strategy concentrated around top keywords. As you develop content like videos, blog posts, research reports, whitepapers, and webinars, it’ll give others something to link to. Additionally, the created content might rank by itself inside the search engines.

Produce backlinks to your pages and website

Having influencers and content marketing seo strategies will assist you in developing backlinks to your site, but they also are essentially to actively be searching for ways to get others to link to you. A handful of the best method of doing this include writing for a large publication, doing industry interviews and recommending your authoritative content to those who matter. You also can employ a PR (public relations) agency or SEO companies Los Angeles , Toronto,  Dubai like SEO Gorillas which has a solid digital public relations division to assist you with this initiative.

Make sure your site is mobile ready

Moving forward into 2016, your site must be mobile-ready. There are 3 kinds of accepted choices for a mobile website in Google’s eyes: use dynamic serving, being set up on a mobile subdomain or responsive design. Also Google currently ranks sites higher which apply search engine optimization for their applications. Therefore, if you have an application, be certain you’re taking some time to implement application search engine optimization.

Move site to HTTPS, a secure website

Google has a desire for you to move your website to HTTPS so badly, they now are providing a ranking increase to sites which are secure. As we move forward into 2016, we’ll be seeing multiple new sites transferring to HTTPS.

Add to your website schema.org markup

Schema.org includes a kind of markup which you may place in the code of your site. Utilizing schema.org, it’s possible to tell Google what image on your website is your logo, where the reviews are located, where videos are, what kind of business you are, where you’re situated and more.

For more information on seo strategies and SEO company Toronto, Los Angeles, Dubai services contact SEO Gorillas at 1.855.611.4SEO.

How to Instantly Improve Traffic to your Website

How can small- or medium-sized businesses carve out their piece of the marketplace? These tips are going to show you how.

Remarketing on Facebook

Facebook includes an excellent promotion tool whether you are in the B2C or B2B sector. However, did you know it’s possible to establish remarketing audiences on Facebook? By putting in a Facebook tracking pixel upon your website it’s possible to continually market to your customers who’ve visited your website. It’s an outstanding method of creating return traffic to your website or business blog. And you may begin to remarket to audiences as small as one-hundred visitors.

Remarketing on Twitter

Twitter remarketing operates in almost the same way as Facebook remarketing. Just install the pixel and it’s possible to now target your websites visitors on Twitter. The big difference is that Twitter requires a higher minimum audience count prior to starting to advertising toward them; a 500 count to be exact.

Post more blogs

Blogging drives traffic! Try to increase your blogging from two times a week to more than ten posts a week. The results will amaze you.

Promote blogs on Facebook

You might’ve heard that Facebook cut back on their organic reach. It means that pretty much no one is going to see your social media posts upon Facebook. Rather, you must put a little budget behind them. One fantastic strategy includes having a campaign consistently running which features your blog posts then target that campaign toward your customized audience and remarketing audience as explained above.

Optimize your website for search engine optimization

At this point, attempting to manipulate the rankings on the search engines are a losing battle. Rather, what you ought to be concerned about is making your website look as fabulous as you can for the search engine robots which are going to be crawling your site. Software such as SEMrush may provide you a full search engine optimization audit and show you what must be fixed. Spending some time on your website’s SEO optimization always is time well spent.Obtain the services of top SEO company Toronto , Los Angeles, Dubai like SEO Gorillas.

Host a webcast or webinar

Irrespective of your sector, it is guaranteed that there is a subject you have enough experience with that your customers are going to want to come and listen to you speak. The secret includes identifying this subject then creating an engaging and fun presentation.

Make a podcast

If you are concerned you cannot present to a live audience or create the proper message, and instead consider a podcast. These are wonderful methods of distributing your experience and include a surefire method of driving traffic to your website – however, you must be consistent then promote it.

For more information on our top SEO companies Los Angeles, Toronto, Dubai services contact SEO Gorillas at 1.855.611.4SEO.